Earth Overshoot Day is an annual event that marks the day of the year when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. We continue to grow this deficit by liquidating the Earth’s natural capital and accumulating waste, primarily as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is not a sustainable situation.
Earth Overshoot Day 2021 was on July 29th, which means the Earth can only replace 57.5% of what humanity used this year!
Find out how the Global Footprint Network calculated Earth Overshoot Day 2021 at overshootday.org/2021-calculation
What day do you think Earth Overshoot Day will land on in 2022? Make a guess.
The percentage of humanity's ecological footprint that comes from carbon emissions:
Read the official press release announcing the day that Earth Overshoot Day 2021 lands on:
Earth Overshoot Day is calculated using national data from countries around the world. To better understand your personal impact, find your country's entry on the graph below. For instance, if everyone in the world lived like people in the United States, Earth Overshoot Day 2019 would have landed on March 15th and not on July 29th.